
An internship is a work experience that integrates practical experience in the workplace with reflection, 研究, 以及其他学术工作. 这是有计划的, 结构化, 和 supervised experience that enables you to gain career-related work experience before graduating. 实习 are opportunities to “try on” 和 explore various career options while developing communication, 团队合作, leadership, 和 other industry-specific skills.

  • To test your skills 和 interests in different career settings.
  • To learn how to interact professionally 和 develop confidence.
  • To obtain valuable experience for employment after graduation.
  • To earn course credit 和 fulfill approved requirements in your major.
  • To earn money to help finance your education.

在一般情况下, an internship is a position that requires you to have taken classes related to the position requirements. They are professional-track positions that would 不 be available to someone who was 不 pursuing a bachelor’s degree. The job description for an internship must be more than filing, 接电话, 复印, 和 other routine responsibilities. Running personal err和s is an unacceptable internship responsibility, 和 home offices are unacceptable internship sites. The 教师赞助商 gives final approval of your internship, 和 works with you to determine learning objectives 和 activities that will be used to determine your grade.

Your 教师赞助商 is a professor in your major area of study who is willing to approve your internship, 决定你的标准 evaluation (example: 研究 or reflection paper) 和 give you a grade upon completion of the internship. 许多学生选择他们的 faculty advisor to be their 教师赞助商, but any professor in your major area of study could be your 教师赞助商.

是的. If your part-time student job is directly related to your field of study, you can work with your work supervisor 和 教师赞助商 to determine learning objectives 和 activities within the context of your position. 兼职工作可以在 握手 和 通过 学生就业办公室.

You may be able to turn your current position into an internship, depending on the scope of your job responsibilities 和 how directly they relate to your major. To find out whether your job qualifies as an internship, talk with your 教师赞助商 or advisor.

Because of the concern over liability during internships, some employers may ask that SPU/CCC 和/or the student sign a hold-harmless or indemnity agreement. It is the policy of 好的赌博软件推荐 赌博十大靠谱软件会的  签署这些类型的协议. 鼓励雇主 阅读赌博十大靠谱软件的 雇主实习政策 to find information 和 guidelines of professional principals on this subject.

实习 generally range from 10 to 20 hours of work per week for 3–5 credits; typically three to five hours of 每学分每周工作量(e.g., 4 credits is equivalent to 12–14 hours work per week). 协商具体细节 your 教师赞助商 和 internship supervisor.

Most 教师赞助商s require individual or class meetings, 指定阅读资料, 写论文或日记. The academic expectation varies depending on the internship 和 the number of credits taken.

是的! If you are looking for a summer internship, start looking as early as January. If you have a job secured for the summer 和 would like to explore taking internship credit, make an appointment with a career counselor or talk with your 教师赞助商. Some students have even arranged to take internship credit for a job in a不her state or country.

注意: You must register for the credit on SPU 握手. 使用  实习学习表 收集您的信息. Instructions are at the end of the linked PDF.  Your 教师赞助商 和 on-site internship supervisor will be sent electronic approvals so be sure to allow plenty of time for them to respond before the 10th day of the quarter.

是的. Internship credits cost the same as other course credits. Most students take their internship credits as part of their 12–18 full-time credit load.

看到 实习页面 详细信息 about how to find opportunities. 职业顾问 are available to meet with you for additional help.


Sign in to your student account on 握手 to find an internship that is just right for you.