
At the 心理、家庭和社区学院, 赌博十大靠谱软件致力于多元化, 股本, and inclusion across different cultural 身份. We believe this makes us a stronger learning community.


We highly value the representation and inclusion of diverse individuals in all of our academic endeavors. We are especially aware that individuals from certain social 身份 have been underrepresented in the psychological sciences and related fields, so we are intentional about the inclusion and support of individuals from those cultural backgrounds.

这种平衡的变化(例如, “de-centering whiteness”) will benefit all of us in SPFC as students, 教师, 和工作人员. We seek to love our local and global neighbors as God intended by engaging in scholarship and learning across multiple systems that will help bring about human flourishing for all.

在SPFC, 赌博十大靠谱软件坚持多元化, 股本, and inclusion guidelines set forth by our accrediting bodies, such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and American Association for Marriage and 家庭 Therapy (AAMFT). 以下是这些指导原则的例子:


To cultivate and maintain a supportive community within our school that values differences and prepares students and 教师 for the growing diversity and inequality that exists within our local and global societies.


We partner with 教师 to prepare our students for the diversity and inequality that exist within our local and global societies, by:

  • 主持每季教员聚会
  • 连接教师和资源
  • Providing information to 教师 regarding training opportunities in the areas of scholarship, 服务, and teaching specific to various populations and topics of diversity

We advocate for diversity-related issues across our school and represent our school on diversity issues across our university, by:

  • Connecting with the SPFC 领导团队 pertaining to school diversity
  • Representing SPFC at the university level on committees/task forces related to topics of diversity

We empower our school’s underrepresented students by listening to their voices and working to implement concrete strategies that address the effects of historical inequalities that persist into the present, by:

  • Conducting qualitative and quantitative studies to tell meaningful stories highlighting the experiences of diverse students
  • Proposing meaningful changes based on the above research findings


The SPFC 多样性 Committee grants annually the SPFC Student 多样性 & 社区 Award to a poster presentation at the annual SPFC 研究 Conference. This winning presentation exemplifies a commitment to diversity, 广泛的定义, 通过有影响力和创新的研究.

2019-20: Vanessa Zhou, Kaitlyn Drafton, and John Strom

2018-19: Monica Moeng和Jasmine Blesoch

2017-18: Sarah Ann Moh

SPFC scholarship on diversity and inclusion topics


  • Children and adolescents as a vulnerable population
  • 国际灾害第一响应者
  • 国际传教士
  • 囚犯
  • 难民(穆斯林、柬埔寨、索马里)
  • 康复(物理)人口
  • 退伍军人及其家属
  • 女性
  • 年轻的外籍人士

SPFC 教师 research themes intersecting with diversity and inclusion topics

  • 辅助技术
  • 人类一生的发展
  • 识别残疾特征
  • 暴力的代际传递
  • 中低收入背景
  • 心理健康文化概况
  • 女性的压力
  • 创伤性生活事件
  • 战争、和平与冲突


Thank you to the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) for their financial support of our 2022-23 Psyc PEERS Mentor program--Psychology students Promoting Equity, 赋权, 科学中的代表性! We are so grateful and honored to receive a SIPS grant-in-aid. 赌博十大靠谱软件欢迎你 在此查看赌博十大靠谱软件的资助申请.

Peter Rivera教授

多样性 is a central part of who I am and what I do. My faith and experiences as an ethnic-racial minority have shaped the way I see diversity in the lives of others, and I hope to invest my time in work that helps move society into a space that values diversity and promotes unity.

— Peter Rivera, Assistant Professor of Marriage and 家庭 Therapy

多样性 adds richness and texture to our experiences. 对我来说, 作为一名跨文化和残疾研究者, the diversity committee provides a pathway to pursuing inclusion and 股本 in each of our communities.

— Jake Bentley, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology
Paul Youngbin Kim教授

超越庆祝多样性, we also must lament the ways we have set up our society to privilege certain groups, 身份, 以及其他文化. I strive to describe the ways in which we as a profession have fallen short, and seek practical solutions that will address the inequities.

——Paul Youngbin Kim(心理学教授


博士研究生. Paul Kim’s research team recently published an article on the acceptability of racial microaggressions among Asian American college students.