
好的赌博软件推荐 is committed to a fair and supportive learning environment where every individual is treated with dignity and respect. 第九条协调员为学生服务, 员工, and others in the campus community involved in sex-based harassment and discrimination grievance proceedings. 受性骚扰影响的个人, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 或者跟踪都有权得到支持措施, 无论是否提交正式投诉.


第九条协调员 can help coordinate supportive measures as appropriate, 是合理可行的, 而且不收费, whether the Complainant or the or 第九条 Coordinator has filed a Formal Complaint. 支持ive measures restore or preserve a party’s access to SPU’s education programs and activities without unreasonably burdening the other party, as determined through an interactive process between the 第九条 Coordinator and the party. 

支持性措施可能包括咨询, 延长最后期限或其他与课程相关的调整, 工作或课程表的修改, 校园陪护服务, 对双方接触的相互限制, 工作或居住地点的变化, 休假, 加强校园某些区域的安保和监控, 以及其他类似的措施. 支持ive measures are designed to protect the safety of all parties and/or SPU’s educational environment and/or to deter subsequent harassment or retaliation. 

The University maintains as 保密 any supportive measures provided to Complainants or 受访者 to the extent it would not impair the ability of the University to provide the supportive measures. 第九条协调员 is responsible for coordinating and documenting the effective implementation of supportive measures.

欲了解更多有关 隐私、保密和记录保存,请参考 第九条性骚扰及相关行为政策.



没有人应该被虐待. 如果别人虐待或攻击你,这不是你的错. 你有选择,你可以得到帮助.

If you believe you are in danger, get to a safe place as soon as you can and seek assistance (e.g., from campus security, local law enforcement, or your personal support network). 考虑制定个人安全计划, 申请校园保护令, 和/或获得法院签发的保护令. The University’s 安全与安保办公室 can assist with each of these items (call 206-281-2922). A campus protective order is a no-contact order that is issued and enforced by the University (e.g.,透过特别警队纪律处分程序). 非接触订单, 禁令, or similar order that would be enforceable by the police and/or courts would need to be obtained from a court of law.

Get medical attention as soon as possible to treat any injuries, and document relevant evidence.

  • 你可以在医院接受性侵犯检查 港景性侵犯中心 & 创伤型压力: 206-744-1600. The Washington State Crime Victims Compensation Program (CVCP) will pay for the initial 性侵犯 exam by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).
  • 公共事业组健康服务 星期一到星期五上午9点有空.m.–12 p.m. 下午1-4:30.m. 预约电话:206-281-2231. 卫生服务部门可以协助解决大多数医疗问题, 包括怀孕和性传播疾病检测.


  • 在一般情况下, "evidence" is anything that can help prove that an incident of sexual misconduct occurred. 证据可能因事件而异. 例如, 跟踪的证据可能包括电子邮件, 文本, 或者其他这种不必要的通信的例子-在这种情况下, 一定要保留所有这些信息的副本. 因为性侵犯, 证据可能包括血液, 精液, 头发, 服装, 或者其他可以帮助识别肇事者的物品. SANE检查(如上所述)可以帮助你收集和保存证据.
  • 保存证据是证明刑事犯罪的重要手段, 提起民事诉讼, 或者申请保护令. It is also important to preserve evidence for use in any formal sexual misconduct proceedings at the University.
  • 保全证据的方式取决于证据的类型. 例如, 它可能采取保存电子邮件副本的形式, 截屏文本, 拍摄瘀伤照片, 或者接受性侵犯检查.

任何学生, 员工, or visitor who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual misconduct may report the behavior to:

While University officials will seek to protect the privacy of victims as far as reasonably possible in the circumstances, individuals wishing to report an incident of sexual misconduct should note that complete 保密ity cannot be guaranteed. 如果你想了解校园内外的机密资源, you can contact the Response Team but do not share specific information about any incident you wish to keep private. You can also speak with on-campus mental health counselors at the 学生辅导中心, 或校外强奸危机资源(一起), “机密资料”). 然而, 如果对某人的健康或安全有迫在眉睫的担忧, 甚至这些个人也可能被要求披露信息. If the University provides accommodations or protective measures to involved parties, the University will seek to keep such accommodations and measures 保密 to the extent reasonably possible and to the extent such 保密ity would not impair the ability of the institution to provide the accommodations or measures.

Reported incidents of sexual misconduct will generally be reflected in aggregate statistics prepared and published for purposes of the University's compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus 安全 政策 and Campus Crime Statistics Act. Crimes reported to OSS will additionally be published in the daily crime log. 然而, these statistics do not contain personally identifying information.

Students and 员工 who are victims of sexual misconduct and report such incidents to the University will not be disciplined by the University for any violation of the University’s drug or alcohol possession or consumption policies in which they have engaged in connection with the reported incident, 或任何违反大学校规的行为 学生行为准则 or 员工生活方式期望 禁止在婚姻关系之外双方自愿的性行为. The University may require educational options, rather than disciplinary sanctions, in such cases.

你可以选择通知执法部门. 西雅图警察局(SPD)的电话号码是911, and the emergency number for the University’s 安全与安保办公室 is 206-281-2911. 如果你决定向社民党举报, the 安全与安保办公室 can assist you through that process if you so choose. 你也可以拒绝通知执法部门.

  • 寻找跟踪行为的迹象.
  • 大多数跟踪行为不会自行结束. Early intervention is critical, and recognizing stalking behavior is the first step.
  • Clearly state to the stalker that you are not interested in the attention of the stalker and that you want the behavior to stop.
  • Create a log of stalking incidents, including date, time, location, and description of each event.
  • Seek support from the University’s 安全与安保办公室 in doing some or all of the actions listed above.

找一个你可以放心的人谈谈这种情况. 建立一个支持网络,比如朋友和家人. 同时,利用校内和校外的资源,例如:


  • 学生辅导中心: 206-281-2657 (保密 心理咨询(仅限本科生). 
  • 学生健康服务: 206-281-2231 (保密 医疗和保健).
  • 大学部门: 206-281-2966 (保密 宗教咨询)
  • 安全和安保厅: 206-281-2911(安全、安保和运输).
  • 好的赌博软件推荐办公室: 206-281-2481(有关学术和校内住宿方面的指导).
  • 人力资源: 206-281-3809(教职员聘用).
  • 学生财务服务: 206-281-2061(经济援助和学生就业).
  • 留学生档案办公室: 206-281-2550(签证/入境)



  • 金县性侵犯24小时资源中心: 888-998-6423, KCSARC can assist with crisis response, advocacy, legal advocacy, and other support.
  • 强奸虐待和乱伦全国网络(RAINN): 800 - 656的希望, 瑞恩.org.
  • 港景性侵犯和创伤压力中心: 206-744-1600, 部门.华盛顿.edu/hcsats
  • 性暴力法律中心: 206-832-3632 (or 1-888-998-6423), SVLC为幸存者提供包括法律代理在内的服务, 咨询, 资源, 和推荐.


